Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Have you ever wondered if a Helix 7 is big enough for side imaging? Well, look no further because we’re here to provide the answer! With its compact size and advanced technology, the Helix 7 offers a powerful solution for anglers looking to explore the underwater world. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this article will delve into the capabilities of the Helix 7 and help you determine if it’s the right tool for your side imaging needs. So, get ready to uncover the secrets beneath the surface with the Helix 7!

Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

What is Side Imaging?

Side imaging is an advanced sonar technology that allows you to see a detailed and accurate picture of what is happening beneath your boat. It uses specialized transducers to emit high-frequency sound waves that cover a wide area to the sides of your boat. These sound waves bounce off objects and are then picked up by the transducer, which creates a detailed image on your fish finder’s screen. Side imaging provides a comprehensive view of the underwater terrain, including structures, vegetation, and fish, helping you make more informed decisions while fishing.

Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Introducing the Helix 7

The Helix 7 is a popular fish finder model developed by Humminbird. It is renowned for its innovative features and excellent imaging capabilities, including side imaging. With a 7-inch color display and intuitive controls, the Helix 7 offers a user-friendly experience while providing anglers with accurate and detailed information about what lies beneath the surface.

Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Comparison of Imaging Technologies

To fully understand the benefits and limitations of side imaging, it is important to compare it with other imaging technologies commonly used in fish finders.

Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Traditional Sonar

Traditional sonar, also known as 2D sonar, uses a single transducer to emit sound waves directly beneath the boat. It provides a basic representation of the water column and the objects within it. While traditional sonar is effective in providing depth readings and identifying fish directly below, it lacks the detailed imagery and coverage area offered by side imaging.

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Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Down Imaging

Down imaging is a technology that focuses on providing a clearer and more detailed view of the area directly beneath the boat. It uses a specialized transducer to emit focused high-frequency sound waves that penetrate deeper into the water column compared to traditional sonar. Down imaging is useful for identifying underwater structures and fish holding close to the bottom, but it has a limited coverage area compared to side imaging.

Is A Helix 7 Big Enough For Side Imaging?

Side Imaging

Side imaging, as mentioned earlier, utilizes specialized transducers to emit high-frequency sound waves to the sides of the boat. This technology allows you to cover a wide area in a single pass, providing a detailed and accurate picture of the underwater terrain. Side imaging is particularly effective for locating underwater structures, vegetation, and schools of fish that may be hidden from traditional or down imaging. It offers a comprehensive view that facilitates better decision-making while fishing.

Understanding the Helix 7’s Side Imaging Capability

The Helix 7’s side imaging capability is one of its standout features. With its powerful transducer and advanced processing capabilities, the Helix 7 is able to provide anglers with incredibly detailed side imaging images. The high-frequency sound waves emitted by the transducer cover a wide area to the sides of the boat, allowing you to see structures, vegetation, and fish that may be hidden from traditional or down imaging.

The Helix 7’s side imaging feature offers adjustable depth ranges, allowing you to focus on specific depths and get a clear view of what lies beneath. Additionally, the Helix 7’s intuitive interface and controls make it easy to navigate and interpret the side imaging images, ensuring that even beginners can take advantage of this advanced technology.

Benefits of Side Imaging

Side imaging, as offered by the Helix 7, provides several benefits that can significantly enhance your fishing experience. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Increased Coverage Area

One of the key benefits of side imaging is its ability to cover a wide area in a single pass. Traditional sonar and down imaging may limit your view to a narrow cone directly beneath the boat, while side imaging allows you to see a large area to the sides. This increased coverage area minimizes the chance of missing potential fishing hotspots and provides a comprehensive view of the underwater terrain.

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Enhanced Detail

Side imaging offers detailed images of underwater structures, vegetation, and fish, allowing you to gain a clear understanding of the underwater environment. The Helix 7’s side imaging capability provides high-resolution images with exceptional clarity, making it easier to identify potential fishing spots and understand the layout of the waterbody you are fishing in.

Better Target Identification

With side imaging, you can accurately identify fish, even when they are not directly beneath your boat. By scanning a wide area, side imaging helps you locate fish that may be hiding under structures or submerged vegetation. This enables you to target specific areas and increase your chances of a successful fishing trip.

Limitations of Side Imaging

While side imaging offers numerous benefits, it is important to be aware of its limitations to make an informed decision. Here are some of the key limitations of side imaging:

Limited Depth Range

Side imaging may have reduced effectiveness in deep waters. As the range increases, the level of detail in the images may decrease, making it harder to identify structures and fish accurately. However, the Helix 7’s adjustable depth ranges can help minimize this limitation to some extent.

Less Effective in Shallow Waters

Side imaging is most effective in water depths greater than 10 feet. In very shallow waters, the side imaging images may not provide the desired level of detail, and other imaging technologies like down imaging may be more suitable. If you primarily fish in shallow areas, it is essential to consider this limitation before investing in a Helix 7 or any fish finder with side imaging capability.

Lower Resolution at High Speeds

When moving at high speeds, the resolution of side imaging images may decrease, resulting in less clarity. This can make it more challenging to accurately identify structures and fish. However, if you prefer a slower pace of fishing or use side imaging for scouting purposes, this limitation may not significantly impact your fishing experience.

Factors to Consider

Before deciding if a Helix 7 or any fish finder with side imaging capability is right for you, it is crucial to consider the following factors:

Fishing Environment

Consider the typical water depths and conditions in which you fish. Side imaging is most effective in deeper waters and may not be as useful in shallow or murky environments. Assessing the fishing environment will help determine if side imaging is the right technology for your needs.

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Preferred Fishing Style

Your fishing style also plays a role in determining the suitability of a Helix 7 with side imaging. If you enjoy exploring new areas, searching for underwater structures, and locating schools of fish, side imaging can be a valuable tool. However, if you primarily fish in shallow areas or focus on specific targets directly beneath the boat, traditional or down imaging may be more appropriate.


Lastly, consider your budget when evaluating the Helix 7 or other fish finder models. Side imaging technology often comes at a higher price point compared to traditional sonar or down imaging. Assess your budget and prioritize the features and capabilities that align with your fishing needs before making a decision.

Helix 7 vs. Other Models

Now that you have a better understanding of side imaging and the Helix 7’s capabilities, let’s compare it to other popular fish finder models:

Helix 5

The Helix 5 is a smaller version of the Helix 7, offering a 5-inch color display. While it does have side imaging capabilities, the smaller screen size may limit the level of detail and ease of use compared to the Helix 7. If budget or space constraints are a concern, the Helix 5 can still provide a satisfactory side imaging experience.

Helix 9

On the other end of the spectrum, the Helix 9 offers a larger 9-inch color display, providing an even more immersive and detailed side imaging experience. If you prefer a larger screen and have a higher budget, the Helix 9 might be a better fit for your fishing needs.

Helix 12

For those seeking the ultimate side imaging experience, the Helix 12 takes it to the next level with its massive 12-inch color display. The larger screen size allows for an incredibly detailed and immersive experience, making it ideal for anglers who prioritize the highest level of situational awareness and underwater imaging.

Real-World Experiences

Anglers around the world have shared their positive experiences with the Helix 7 and its side imaging capabilities. Many have reported that the detailed side imaging images provided by the Helix 7 have revolutionized their fishing techniques and helped them locate productive fishing spots with ease. The intuitive controls and user-friendly interface have also received praise, making the Helix 7 a popular choice among both experienced and novice anglers.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the Helix 7’s side imaging capabilities can greatly enhance your fishing experience by providing a comprehensive view of the underwater terrain. While side imaging does have limitations, such as reduced effectiveness in shallow waters or at high speeds, the benefits it offers, such as increased coverage area, enhanced detail, and better target identification, make it a valuable tool for any angler. Consider your fishing environment, preferred fishing style, and budget before making a decision, and don’t forget to compare the Helix 7 with other fish finder models to find the best fit for your needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced angler, the Helix 7 with side imaging can be a game-changer in your fishing adventures.